
Course title and instructor

Title: Basic Data Analysis in R for Social Sciences (Summer 2022)

Instructor: Kostiantyn Ovsiannikov
Office Hours: by appointment
GitHub: ko-suta

Purpose and contents of the class

Focusing on the data analysis in R programming language, this course will cover the following activities: data exploration, transformation, visualization, modeling, and communication. It will concentrate on the relevant socio-economic data-sets, enabling the participants to complement their prior knowledge and interests with data-oriented know-how. The students will learn basic statistical techniques in R through hands-on sessions, getting familiar with R language through joint exercises. As a result, they will be able to apply various quantitative skills in their respective research projects and will be equipped with techniques to master more advanced R operations in future.

Teaching methods

Qualification objective

Equipping students with basic tools for data analysis in R that they will be able to apply in their research projects and beyond.


Due to a variety of available R tools suited for these purposes, students will be encouraged to demonstrate their analytical and creative skills. Participants will also be able to use datasets of their own choice and interest, directly applying quantitative techniques in R for their research projects.

Selected literature to be used for the class


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